This is a host-side implementation of LW-IGMPv3 applied to NetBSD-current kernel (as of 07/Jan/2008). IGMPv3 provides Source-Specific Multicast (SSM) architecture. Since the spec of IGMPv3, especially the state transition part of source address filtering produced by each application, is fairly complex, this modification causes significant kernel change. Please read README carefully.
Lightweight IGMPv3 and MLDv2 Protocols [RFC5790]Socket Interface Extensions for Multicast Source Filters [RFC3678]
Kernel and command patch (LW-IGMPv3-20080107.tgz)Browse complete source codes (for your reference)
This patch would be worked with NetBSD-current kernel, 4.99.48 (07/Jan/2008). If your kernel source is not the same version, this patch may cause some reject files when you apply it.
This release is not a final release since this implementation requires more tests and improvements. We'll make new release without any announcement. Please visit this page again and check the release number, "LW-IGMPv3 kernel implementation (rel. XXXXXXXX)", periodically. (This release number may be independent on the cvs date of NetBSD-current.)
Also, please don't apply this patch to a machine on a production network or an important machine.
If you encounter any problems or you have some comments, please mail to the author (asaeda AT
We'd deeply appreciate your feedback. Thank you.